Saturday, August 23, 2008

A good question

A good question that i never expect it, until yesterday, come the question.

When i was at mamak with chea ing, whtan and zu yao. When i finish my roti topi and go to wash my hand, after i back to my seat and they were laughing, then i was asking why and they say its about me but they were not about to tell me that. But after i ask for second time, there i got my question that asked by chea ing.

"How will Chen Xun future GF look like?"

Haha, guess what, i was stunned for a moment, and she remind me of a question that i should always ask myself. And this question is a question that im not able to answer anyone, or anybody else to give me the answer(except my future gf will do).

Well, the question, should i ask myself always? or just let everything settle by fate? well, this is another good question. And this time, who gonna give me the answer? nobody know......

Friday, August 22, 2008


此时此刻,又回到了PJ, 不知是好还是不好,说好,又不知好到哪里。说不好,可是又说不出什么不好。 现在那脑子只会告诉你说“好烦,好乱,好复杂“。。。

回到了PJ,有人说这儿吃喝玩乐样样好,我却不这么觉得,吃喝好的也有限,又贵又不好的倒通街都是, 就只有玩乐显得比较好。 在这儿,钱包里的钱有如水般流,有时还流的不明不白。 提起什么,样样都要钱,数目说大不大,说小不小。 可是就是这么小数目的钱,足以让你的钱流的不明不白。 有时特地为了那小数目爬头,想了想还真的很不值得,可是没办法,你不去惹它,它也会来惹你。

现在翻开报纸,或打开星洲日报的网站,除了奥运,最精彩的,就是我们所谓的政治人物天天开片做大戏。 报纸大版天天都见到他们,昨天哪个说的话有刺激性,或者是爆发性的,明天的报纸你就会看见他/她上大版,报纸也就会看见他们犹如在打战,你说一句,我顶一句,你耍剑,我挥大刀,你说我作错,我就翻过来说你差。。。总之就是由你没我啦。 有时看到类是的新闻,脑里也会想 “他们好假哦,不从政,去演戏还真不赖”

现在是晚上7点08分,脑里又在想等下的晚餐又要给哪一家的鲨鱼给张大嘴巴要一口了。 想了又想,终觉得在家简简单单的两菜一汤就是最好吃的一顿了,哪里也找不到了。 好想念家里的两菜一汤。。。