Sunday, September 28, 2008

Vacation To Langkawi Day 3

It took so many days for me to write about my third day at Langkawi. Here i start about my day three's journey at Langkawi.

After the crazy night with the card games and all the beers. The next morning we all gotta wake up at 8 something because chlee had already booked a boat for island hopping at 9am. All thank to Chea Ing, because she is the only one which didnt join us for the crazy games and stay awake for the night and the next morning, she is able to wake up early and wake up the others. After brush teeth and bath, they all ready to depart to beach for island hopping, but i had delayed some time all because of the damn spicy soup which cause me stomach pain once i wake up. But luckly we all are still depart in time and reach the beach near Awana Porto Malai at about 9am. Then we all pay RM200 for our island hopping fees (RM200 for the whole boat). Then we move to our boat and ready for out island hopping journey.

walk toward our boat for island hopping.

When we first depart, we going to Dayang Bunting Marble Geoforest Park or what they called Pregnent Island. Why Pregnent Island? I think the picture below will help me explain why the island is named so.

can u c a pregnent woman head, breast and stomach? It's like a pregnent woman lying there.

This is the picture we took before we reach the Dayang Bunting Marble Geoforest Park. After we stopped there for a short while to get some explaination, then we moving to the Geoforest Park again. We reach there about 10 minutes later and we stopped at the jetty and we got an hour to stay at the island. Once we reach there, i felt stomach pain again and luckly there are a toilet and i could settle my problem there while they have a look at the notice board to find something special about the island. After problem settle, then we all going into inner part of the island to find the special lake. Luckly nobody is feeling dizzy after took boat from beach to the island, so that we all are walking to the lake easily without feeling exhausted. We took about 5 minutes to reach the lake side but we found nothing special there until we found there is a walkway at the side of the beach. While we found nothing to do at the lake, then we decided to walk at the walkway see where could we reach at the end of the walkway. Along the way , we could find something special, i dunno i should call it marble wall or stone wall. And also some plants which grow from the stone.

The stone wall at the lake side. Look nice, right?

Its quite a long way to walk from the starting point to the end. But when we reached a bridge, we found that we reached the bridge we first saw at the starting point and that mean we had already reached the miracle border, a border which is quite small but saperate the lake and the sea. When we reached the end, there is a place where we can have a great view, which a side is lake, and the another side is the sea, and we are just stand in between. After took a few photo there, then we head back to the starting place. Once we reached, its already filled with lots of people, some is feeding fish, some is swimming, and of course got people sun bathing too. Without wasting time, we head back to the jetty and ready to go to second place. But what suprise me is when we reach the jetty, the jetty is also full of people, this mean they never walk to the miracle border. Maybe they just stay there for a short while or they dunno there is a way to walk to the miracle border. Once the boat stopped at the jetty, then we go to our boat and move to second destination. We are so lucky. We paid RM200 to rent the whole boat the the whole island hopping journey, yet there is somebody who paid RM40 per person, but need to share the boat with other ppl.

What do u think they paid RM50 per person yet need to share a boat?

After that we head to eagle feeding there there u can see eagle in quite a short range and you can also see how they hunt their food(actually it just pick up their food). When we reach at the place, you can see alot of eagle flying at the sky, and actually waiting us to feed them. Once we throw the chicken skin into the sea, there you can there are lots of eagle starting to flying lower and lower and start to pickup their food. There are 2 kind of eagle there, the brown colour with smaller size, and the white colour with bigger size. The eagle is just clever enough, gather there everyday and their job is just wait for food. But looking at the eagle picking up their food is just cool enough, c they flying lower, and snatch their food juz within a sec. Whtan and Ah Yi is busy snapping the photo of eagles picking up their food while im just standing at the front of the boat and have a nearer look of they picking their food.

Have u ever see so many eagles flying at the sky?

There the eagle is flying low and pick their food.

After finish the eagle feeding, we then moving the a beach called Beras Basah Beach, why named Beras Basah Beach, i really dun understand, the sand aint look like wet beras but they just named it so. When we reach there, the boat man leave us at the beach and we got about an hour at the beach. At first we do expect this beach could bring alot of funs for us. After apply sunblock, then we go to the sea, but the sea water is not as deep as we expect, we walk about 10m away from the beach buat the sea water is just about at my stomach level only. Maybe we not going at the right time, because that time is what chinese called "退潮". What to do, have to spend time at the place too, what to do? Crapping around with them and of course the eye should be also busy looking around to look at lenglui wearing bikini. Well, luckly the day didnt disappoint us as there is quite a number of lenglui wearing bikini. No matter local or foreigner, they just look nice with wearing the bikini, LOLZ!!!

We are at the Beras Basah Beach

After we started felt boring to stay at the beach, then we all decide to go back to resort earlier to clean ourself and go to Kuah Town for our lunch. We reach Kuah Town at about 2 something and pick up Shy Hong before we go for our lunch. Again we go to have the delicious chicken rice as our lunch, just because there is no other foods that attract my attention. We depart to Langkawi Cable Car after we finished our lunch and reached the Langkawi Cable Car at about 3.45pm and without wasting time, we bought our ticket and go up to the station. It took about 10-15min for us to reach at the first station.

We are at 652.5meter above sea level.

After took some photo at the first station, we then go to second station, which is higher and bigger. When we at the second station, we probably have the better view that at the first station. Because the station got 2 higher platform which is about 700meter above sea level if not mistaken. There we could have more view at the platforms and took more photos. Although i can feel slightly cold there, but its not as cold as i first visit the Langkawi Cable Car which is 3 years ago. Maybe that time i went up at the morning and its about 4 something when we are at there and having the big hot sunshine shine at all of us. There is a food stall at the second station and every of us bought ourself an ice cream, but i had the worst ice cream i ever have, called rainbow. I will never ever buy this kind of ice cream anymore.

Rainbow Ice Cream, the worst ever ice cream i ever had.

While every of us is enjoying the ice cream, of course we wont miss the chance of taking photos with the great scenary, and also enjoy myself with the scenary. It just feel nice to stay high at a place with the great scenary serrounding us.

Group photo when we are at the top of the platform

Photo with with great view behind me, nice huh...

Bah, this board is just crapping, we aint gonna see that as we could never stay there till 6.30pm - 7pm

After finish the cable car tour, we are about to go to the Moroc International Go-Kart Circuit where we missed it on the second day. When we reach there at about 5pm sharp, im just so happy to see the main gate is open and we just drive in without thinking so much. Once we stop our car, one malay girl walk out from the office and i walking forward to ask him about the information of karting. But guess what, she is not standing there to invite us but is to tell us that they had already close at 4.30pm because of puasa. WTF, there aint any notice or whatever to inform that they will close at 4.30pm because of puasa, and that cause all of us miss the best go-kart circuit in Malaysia. Everyone is telling that how nice that is, but we just missed it with the non-acceptable reason, kek sim nia. With the disappointment , we had to plan to go to our next destination. After all agree to go to The Zon at the Underwater World which is just few hundred meter away from our resort. We are there for shopping. In The Zon, there are only 2 section we are all interest in, the chocolates section and the liquor zone. There got quite alot of liquors, but price is just the same like the shops at the town. So we just spend a little time at the perfume section to try out some perfume and most of the time we are just spend at chocolate section. About half an hour later, everyone grab a few pack of chocolate, pay for it and head back to resort.

After rest and bath at the resort. We then ready for the shopping spree. We go to the town for shopping but not dinner first because we worry that lots of shops will be close after 10pm. We reach the town at about 7 something and we start our shopping spree at a sport shop, we are hoping to get some tax free sport shirt but it disappointed us. All the product is exactly the same price like what mainland got, except for the Nike ACG shoe. It is about RM20 cheaper than normal, but stock they need to take it from the another shop at Langkawi Fair. Im just lazy to wait anymore and leave the shop after whtan pay for his basketball pant. After leaving to the shop then i found that they are at a perfume shop. Woot, it is one of the shop which im actually looking at also. When i walk inside the shop, they all already trying at some of the perfume and i just join them. After testing quite alot of perfume while chlee didnt found any perfume that he want, so i just continue testing while they leaving for chocolate shopping. After quite alot of perfume testing, i finally found a perfume which i like the smell alot, It is MONT BLANC STARWALKER. I just pick it without any doubt and pay for the perfume with my debit card. RM169 for a 50ml perfume, i think is cheaper than buy at parkson or jusco loh. After i got my perfume, i went to join some of the shop to find the cheapest chocolate. Price is about the same at every shop, but finally we back to the shop that pei zi introduce. There we pick damn alot of things, i got my Malibu Coconut, 4 small bottle of liqour, 2 pack of Nougat, a pack of Hershey's dark choc and some other chocolates. I also grab 2 box of Ferrero Rocher for Wilson. All of that cost me RM200++, that is quite alot for me. Including the perfume, that night i had spent RM370++. Hoho, real shopping spree, LOL!!!

After shopping, everyone is hungry and go for dinner at a restaurant name Wonderland. Well, nothing much to write about the dinner because the dinner is the worst thing. Although the price for the dinner is just so cheap, but all of the dishes is so tasteless. After the dinner, then only we remember that we had forgotten to buy some beer for the card games. So we rush to Billion to buy Asahi, the best beer at Langkawi beside Heineken. When we reach there, me and whtan go to pick the beers while the other went go buy their Ferrero Rocher Collection Pack. We got our beers while they are so disappointed because Billion dun have the collection pack. We are about to send Shy Hong back to her house before we head back to our resort. Just before reach her house, pei zi called her for dinner together with her. After some discussion, they had agree to go to Pantai Cenang with us. When we all back in the resort and settle our stuffs, we then go to the beach and spend some time there. The night is just so beautiful. The sky is full of shiny stars and im just so long time never see so many stars at the sky. So we all sit at the beach and talk. Im just enjoy myself looking at the sky before join their talk. We didnt miss the chance to try out the feeling that sitting at the beach and enjoying the beer. We bring the beer we bought yesterday and try it out at the beach. Some of it is taste nice, and only 1 is sucks.

After quite some time we spent at the beach, then its time to go for the card games again, but this time we invite Shy Hong, Pei Zi And Shin Yee to play along with us for the first round. Haha, first round is just so nice and i dunno how many beer or coke mix with jack danial i had drink. After done the first round, the 3 girls have to go back because it is about 1 something already and i accompany them to walk to get their car. After say bye bye with them, then i go back to resort to continue the second round. The second round is more serious, there is 2 deck of cards mix together and that is worst, if everyone is aim at u, something u have to drink more than 1 cup of mixed of beers or mixed of coke and jack danial. The same things, they still trying to make me drunk by aiming at me, but of course i dont let it be by doing the same thing like them. After keep drinking and drinking, my head is become so heavy but im just not drunk yet. After we stop to rest for a while, im just like unable to continue anymore and lie on the bed. Lying on the bed make me feel so comfortable but they keep asking me not to lie on the bed and continue the game, but im feel like myself is so heavy and cant wake up, and finally i fall asleep within a minute and didnt wake up until the next morning, while they continue the game for dunno how long and finish up the beers and the Jack Danial.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Vacation To Langkawi Day 2

On 21/09/2008, that the second day of my vacation. Early in the morning, i woke up at around 8.20 in the morning, and bath and prepare myself as fast as possible as our plan is breakfast at 9am. But when everyone is ready, its already 9.25am and its follow back our earliest plan, which is out for breakfast at 9.30am. We had quite a delicious chicken rice as our breakfast at Pekan Kuah. After breakfast, we have to go to Jetty to check out the hotels. We stop there, look for the hotel name MaliBest Resort, ask for prices, and of course negotiate for the lowest price.

Chlee is negotiating with the counter people about Malibest Resort rooms price

While negotiate, of course we will also look at some information about Pulau Payar , and also Island Hopping. Pulau Payar is much more interesting, but the price is high, each of us need to spend at least RM140 to go there, and island hopping is about RM200 per boat, and just 6 of us in the boat and no others, that cheap!! While chlee negotiating with the in charge person, we all are discussing about where to go for the next day, either go to Pulau Payar, or juz go island hopping. Discussion is going on and there is no decision, yet chlee already done the negotiation with each room cost RM120, 2 queen size bed in the room and we got the linked room. Everything settle and deposit paid but we still havent make any decision yet. So after that we decide to leave there with no decision and make decision later on.

Looking at the information about Pulau Payar and Island Hopping

Then we follow on with our plan, which is Bird Park(Bird Paradise Wildlife Park)......When we first reach there, we had already show up our camera and take picture with the eagle at the entrence. And then we buy the entrence ticket cost RM12 and 2 pack of feeding food which cost RM12 too. Inside the park, there got lots of wildlife inside, got different kind of parrots, tortiese, crocodile, monkeys, eagle, kangaroo, deer, birds and many more. Feeding them is quite fun, and alot of funny action we can see from the animals when we feeding them, especially tortiese and monkeys. But the best part is feeding the birds. When we walk inside the bird area, and put the feeding food on ur palm, then the bird will fly to ur palm and eat the food. It is so fun to have the bird fly to ur palm and u can look at the bird so near and clear. And these bird is the best animals to feed.

Just simply pour the food on ur hand and there come all the birds

After that it was just nothing more special. It was just look at the ostrich, peacock and fish. Ostrich and peacock got nothing to feed with, only the fish got a whole big pack of food. Before exit from the bird park, there is a great photo section where take photo with the big and small parrot, and of course we will never miss the chance to take photo with the cool eagle. There is a snake too, but i scare snake the most, so there is the only thing i dare not to hold it and take pic.

Both parrots is at my shoulder and my hand. Green 1 cuter, right?

Yeah, im holding a big cool eagle

Finished the photo session then all of us exit to The Zon, the duty free shop which locate at the Bird Park. Still doing the same job, survay the price of the chocs, and liqour of course. Then some of us bought beer and kampai as your drink. Beer and Kampai are real cheap, there is some soft drink inside the fridge too, but what will u choose? I bought a bottle of Corona Extra, where Chea Ing, Kxyeoh and Ah Yi bought Kampai with different flavour, while whtan is desperate with his Jack Denial's liqour, and he bought the small 1.

This is what we bought at The Zon@Bird Paradise Wildlife Park

We are leaving the Bird Park at 1pm, going to Black Sand Beach. At the Black Sand Beach, that is nothing special, except the beach with the black colour sand. Kxyeoh finished his Kampai and clever things he did. He fill his bottle up with the black sand and keep it as a souvenir, i should have do that, but i had throw away my Corona bottle. Picture of course taken at the place too but not much.

There we at the Black Sand Beach and they are trying to put the sand inside the bottle.

Some of them need some coconut to cool down themself so they order some coconut drinks, every of them order 1 coconut expect me, cause im worry i gotta have nose bleeding after i have the coconut drinks. After drink then we depart Crocodile farm, cause someone suggest maybe we can go to to have a look. On the way to Crocodile Farm, there is a giant factory, it is a cement factory name Kedah Cement. The factory could be the biggest factory i ever see in my life, or probably the biggest factory in Malaysia. When we reach at the Crocodile Farm, what we saw is nobody else is there except some workers only. Then me and Shy Hong go to the counter to have a look. What i saw is an expensive ticket, while no activity to have if we go into the farm. Feeding time and activity time is not the time that we reach there, so we cancelled the idea and think of others. Then we went to Pasir Tengkorak Beach, which suggested by Shy Hong, because the beach is just nearby. When we reached there, there got quite a nice view at the beach, and saw some peoples swimming, and a couple is sun bathing. The tree at the beach is the best place to stay, and we had stayed there for a short while, and we leave the beach after took some photo. The beach is not bad actually, but there are so less people at the beach. Maybe the beach is not famous, or maybe it is too far from town and all the resorts.

We are all in the photo but left Ah Yi behind the camera.

After that all of us agree to go to Langkawi Cable Car, and have to put away the idea of going to Seven Wells Waterfall, although Shy Hong say that the view at the top is real nice. But before go to the Cable Car, we have to go for our lunch at KFC which locate at Telaga Harbour Park. So great that the KFC is without tax too...without the tax everything also become cheaper.

The cheapest KFC i ever eat...because it is without TAX!!!

After lunch, Shy Hong ask to go to the "Play Smart", where there got alot of interesting things to play with. When look at the outside of the "Play Smart", it just look like a kid's playground with nothing special inside. But once walk inside, there is so many interesting things to play with, got balancing, ball throwing, fake head chopping and many more. We stay there much longer time than what we expect because everyone is trying all the game and having fun.

We are in the Play Smart and this 3 guys is figuring out how to get out from the rope.

After tried all the game, we all leaving to Cable Car Station. But when we reach at the ticket counter, they said that the station will be close at 5pm and the latest time we can stay there until 5.20pm only, but when we reach the ticket counter is already 4.30pm, which mean we only left less than 1 hour at the station, so it is not worth it and we cancel the idea. The another thing that disappoint us is we saw the notice that the brigde above is under maintainance. Haiz, what to do, still have to go up, just have to come again the next day. Since we cannot go up to cable car station, then we can change our plan and go to Seven Wells Waterfall. Although the view at the top is really nice, but we have to walk up to the hill through the staircase and there is about more than 250 staircase we have to pass through before we could reach the top.

Group photo at Seven Wells Waterfall

See, how high we have to climb to the top of the waterfall. But still worth it...

Everyone is trying hard to walk up to the top and really sweat alot. Guess what, chlee is going up with us although there are alot of staircase have to pass through. Well done for him, at least he didnt miss the nice scenary at the top of the waterfall.

Both also brown shirt, and taking photo at the top of the waterfall.

After rest there and took some photo, then we go down to the lower part of the waterfall. The waterfall is really beautiful and really long time didnt go to waterfall already, and this is 1 of the best waterfall that i ever see. Of course lots of photo took at the waterfall and me and kxyeoh try to climb up to higher place which nearer to the waterfall and have a look at it and just for fun.

The big and beautiful waterfall is just behind me.

She is holding us? Haha, not actually. Look, me and kx is so small inside the camera, so u can imagine how far we are away from the camera.

We stay at the waterfall for quite a long time and leave at around 6pm and go to Pantai Cenang and check in at MaliBest Resort. Although there is some problem when check in at the resort, but problem is solve after 20 minutes sitting at the lobby and we get the key and walk to the room. When our laguagge put at the room, we quickly change our shirt and go to beach because the sky is getting darker and darker. But luckly we do still have time to swim at Pantai Cenang and take some photo at the beach. Poor kxyeoh, tried so hard to snap a jumping photo, yet didnt got any photo that shot at the right time. When sky is dark, then we go back to our room and bath before we going out for our dinner.

All the guys if playing at the beach, but why the 2 girls is left behind the camera??

When we reach the restaurant, it is already 10 something and we juz order food without wasting more time.

This is the Yummy Yummy Seafood we went for our dinner.

We had order 6 dishes at the time. The food is really delicious but guess what, the bowl of soup(grandfather of tomyam) is damn spicy, i never tried such spicy soup before, even ah yi and whtan those spicy lover also said that the soup is really spicy, no joke! Haha, here i use some thai languange to describe the soup:"Aroy de wa pet mat mat"(delicious, but very very spicy).

The bowl of damn spicy soup, a plate of LaLa and that 1 dunno how to name it...

Beside the spicy soup, the kangkung belacan is also the best kangkung belacan i ever tried. The sambal smell real good and it is the best!


The fish we order also cook in a very different way, fish in the metal plate, and put it on top of charcoal, and pour the soup on the fish and let it boil. The fish is very fresh, and the soup taste special and nice. Abit sour and a little bit spicy, mix with the fish, it is almost perfect.

The fresh fish which serve in a very special way, and it is REAL DELICIOUS!!!

While the rest of the dishes is quite simple but still delicious. If ask me how many score this restaurant deserve, i will give 8.5 out of 10. Where is the 1.5 score gone? i can only say because it is too spicy and have to deduct some mark. Ah Yi say this thailand food is better than his hometown thai food, it is even better than the restaurant at Changmai.

After we finish out dinner, then we go to Pekan Kuah again, we go to Pei Zi fren shop to buy some beer as she said that we could get some discount if we buy at there. So we had select some beer that we never see before except Heineken, and also bought 2 pack of m&m chocolate because it is buy 1 free 1. After finish bought what we want, then we go back to hotel and play the card games.

The liqour and beers we bought and fill up the fridge!!!

Gosh, they all aim at me, and i gotta drink lots of beer and eat alot of m&m too. The m&m cause me damn full and 2 set of games, i dunno how many mixed beers i had drink and how many m&m i had eaten.

The m&m's peanut chocolate(Buy 1 free 1) and i dunno how many i had ate....i just know alot.....

Playing cards games on bed, look at the time, its is 3.11am and we are still playing.

There are alot of jokes too when we are playing the game and we are just non stop laughing inside our room. After done with the card games it is already 3 something and we have to go to bed as there is more activity at the next day. It is so easy for me to fall asleep as i had drank so many beer and same goes to all of them, hahaha......

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Vacation To Langkawi Day 1

On 20/09/2008, that is the first day of my vacation to Langkawi, The Duty Free Island. That day will be my first time to go vacation with flight, that wonderful!! Afternoon about 2.30, we depart from PJ to KL sentral. Thanks to whtan sis that fetch us there so that we dont have to take taxi to Kelana Jaya then take LRT to KL Sentral. That is time wasting, and money wasting too. When we reach there, we are the first who reach there and we have to wait for them. About 15 minutes later, kx and ah yi reached and we spend another 10 minutes to wait for chlee. After that we move to bus terminal to take bus to LCCT. During the time we redeem the bus ticket, whtan realise that he miss out the most important paper that needed to redeem the bus ticket, and so he need to move himself to the AirAsia counter to redeem the verification paper i think, and thanks to the good service of AirAsia and they got the verification paper within 10 min and we are able to redeem the bus ticket in tima and take the 4pm bus to LCCT.

Along the way to LCCT, we all had been chit chatting and time past faster than we expect. We reach there after an hour and we move to check in department to check in ourself. After that we move to waiting room to wait for our flight departure time, which is 6.45pm. I think we went in there an hour earlier, and we have to spend about an hour inside there just looking around, watch tv, chit chatting around and of course took some pic. Im actually looking forward to wait 6.45pm because im looking forward to go into the plane and have my very first flight. After the Gate 1 of the departure hall is open, everyone who take the flight to Langkawi Island is queue up to verify ourself with the check in ticket with the stewardess. Then we are moving to the plane with the code AK6300 which just about 100m away from us. The AirAsia aeroplane (AK6300) which fly us to Langkawi

When in the plane, i had chosen the seat which is just right beside the window as there can see the view once the plane had fly higher and higher. And that is really good experience to feel ourself at dunno how many meters above sea level, and with the wonderful scenes that we are able to see at sky high. Guess what, from KL Sentral to LCCT need 1 hour, but with plane, we can reach Langkawi from LCCT just within 1 hour, the Captain tell through speaker that we will reach our destination 17min earlier than expect, which mean we just need 43minutes to to reach Langkawi. Just imagine if u drive from PJ to Perlis, and then take ferry from perlis to Langkawi. That need more than 7 hours. What for to waste the time driving far yet tiring. Pay the RM150 to buy the 2 way air ticket(per person), then u just need about 3 hours to reach the destination, and the journey is not tiring at all, all we need is just to take bus, then check in, and wait the plane to fly us to our destination, how easy that is.

About 7.50pm, we reached Langkawi International Airport and first thing we need to settle is the transport that gonna bring us all around Langkawi. So we procced to the counter just right inside the Airport to ask some information. After all we had selected Toyato Innova, which just cost RM270 for 3 nights, i think this is the cheapest all among the counter. And what impressed us is the Toyota Innova that we rent just look like a new car, and totally comfortable even if sit at the rear seat, the RM270 to rent the Toyota Innova is just worth it. We met chlee's fren which is from Langkawi, her name is Shy Hong@Sharon and her fren, Pei Zi. After we get our rented car, the first thing to do is to fill up the oil tank because the tank is empty. After fill up, then we need to go to Kuah Town to fill up our stomach because everyone is hungry enough. That day i sumore just have my breakfast(a cup of milo and 3 piece of crackers) and no lunch at all. When we reached at the restaurant is already 8 something. Pei Zi bring us to a Malay restaurant to have western food, and i ordered a black paper chicken chop. It look quite nice, but the taste is just above average. After we finished our dinner, we pay the bill and go to Shy Hong house to put our luggage at her house.

This is my first day dinner at Langkawi Island. Look quite nice, right?

After that we went to Kuah Town by ourself while she and her fren go to attend her fren's birthday party. We stop at Pekan Kuah to buy some stuff while survay the items prices. When we are on the way to Eagle Square, we found a Billion Shopping Centre there, which is the place we first plan to stop to buy our stuff, but we do still have a short walk inside billion just to look around, and yes, it is just a simple shopping mall, and the only special is that the billion got a duty free area, which all the alcohols, liqour and choc is placed there. After the short walk inside billion, then we go to Eagle Square, as there is also a tourism spot. Quite a nice view at the eagle, but because i had forgot to bring the camera along, that why no picture is taken at eagle square. But when we stop at the eagle square, we found that there is so comfortable because the wind is non stop blowing at us and im just so long time did not have such comfortable wind at the seaside. When we are discussing our next destination, Shy Hong said that her fren's party already done and ask us to fetch her, which is just not far away from her house. After fetch her, he suggestion is our decision, which is go to Pantai Cenang, the beach which filled with resorts and hotels. About 20min ride to Pantai Cenang, we finally reach there and walk to the beach. The beach is just so wide and long. I never see such a wide and long beach and if compare to Teluk Batik and any beaches at Pangkor, Pantai Cenang is still the better 1. We spent some time walking at the beach, but what a waste that the sky is not filled with star, not even 1. The sky is so blur and we are not able to see the moon clearly already, then there is no possibility to have the star appear at the blur sky.

About 1 something, we go back to Shy Hong house and rest because after a half day travel. When we are on the way going back to Shy Hong house, we experience something which is very special. We met 2 police block in a very short distance. When we stop at the first police block, the police do ask simply question and have a short look inside the car then let us go already, it is good. When we reached the bridge, there is another police block, and there was a police there(white shirt, look serious, according to Shy Hong he is a very high rank police), he stop us, giving sign to chlee to show his license, after he look at the license, then he ask izzit we went there for vacation? We answer yes. Then he ask when we arrive? We say today. Then again he ask, Where do we stay? We say stay at friend house. Then he ask where is the place? We answer Taman ???(forgot jor). Then he ask where is our fren? Then we point at Shy Hong and the police light up his torch light and point at Shy Hong. Once the police saw Shy Hong face then he immediately let us go. The police so geng, how could he juz can recognize who is Langkawi ppl and who is not. It is just like there is a bar code printed in Shy Hong face and police can just recognize it easily, so rediculous. Once reached home, everyone is tired. After brush teeth and wash face, we then planning the next day schedule, which take us about 20min to plan it and make decision about where to go. After everything settle, everyone move to the bed and fall asleep within a minute.This is Shy Hong@Sharon, our tour guide which not very familiar with Langkawi, LOL!!!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Langkawi, 我来了!!

再多几个小时我就要去LCCT机场,坐AirAsia的飞机去免税岛,那就是浮罗交怡岛(Langkawi)。。。。可以跟那岛说“我来了”。。。这次要做什么呢?哈哈,去玩,喝酒,买酒,吃chocolate,去扫chocolate,去玩 go kart。。。这次有budget了,就不管那么多了,哈哈。。。。。这次是我第一次坐飞机,有点点兴奋哦。。。这次去要玩够够,然后回来就开学了。。。然后就不知道几时还有地去旅行了。。。。

Friday, September 19, 2008


刚看会了我收了很久的照片( 3 年多的算不算多? )突然想起了很多回忆。。。看回了Shizuka 的照片,毕业前的照片,去旅行的照片,和中学朋友拍的照片,还有很多很多。。。还真的蛮想念当时的生活的。。。。

可是都还好啦,中学同学都还有保持联络。。。只是没有像当初每天可以在学校见面。。。。可是最遗憾的是看到 Shizuka 的照片,因为我们失去联络了,真可惜。 当初我们住在同一个屋瓦下,怎么算也可以说是一家人吧。起初回到日本时还有保持联络,可是时间久后就失去联络了。打电话去她家也很难找她,因为打电话去她家就犹如鸡同鸭讲,他们不会讲英文或华文,而我们就不会说日文。结果我们这样就失去联络了。 可是我想她应该再读书吧,只是不懂她在这个世界的哪个角落罢了。 Yuri 就还好,怎么说他还有email 我,虽然自有两三封,可是也好过没有。 也不知 Shizuka 还记不记得我们。

看了看那照片的日期,才知道事隔已经三年了。 三年,说长,又不是很长。 说短,又不是很短。 只知道时间过得很快罢了。有时候和家人谈起她,爸妈还会感叹就这样和她失去联络。 但愿上天安排安排,能的话就给个机会见面吧。等缘分我也等了不少年,和她见面的缘分我也不要求要马上要,只希望来日能再见面吧。时间呢,等我上面的大老板决定咯。。。

Monday, September 15, 2008

12/9 - 14/9; 和家人在吉隆玻的周末


星期五的下午,爸爸突然打电话来,说他们临时又决定来了,因为辰振说要来。听完爸爸的电话就觉得很高兴。因为又可以很家人出来走走了。在电脑前面边玩game边等家人的到来,然后到了傍晚,就和哥哥讨论要让他们住哪里? 八点多,他们终于到了。带了他们看看我的家后,就带了他们去探望亲戚。在亲戚家坐了好一阵子,和亲戚道别后,就往酒店去了。到了MidValley的 Cititel Hotel, 还以为可以去住那儿,怎知因为价钱太贵,就往另外一件酒店去了。到了Pearl International Hotel, 手续做完后,就进了房间。然后去酒店附近吃点东西,然后全部回酒店休息了。

隔天,大家准备好后就去吃早餐,然后就去MidValley,而哥哥和爸爸去巴生service车。在MidValley我们还买了蛮多东西的。哈哈,我很久没这样子买东西了。 然后弟弟就要去Nike看他的鞋,而我就看我要的运动裤。可是弟弟也要了篮球衣和裤。走着走着,妈妈也买了衣服,我也买了我要的袜子,而弟弟也买了他要的袜子和背心。才走了几个小时,我们还买了不少东西。到了下午,爸爸就要去吃他喜欢的鱼,而我们也在那儿解决了我们的午餐。他们还没去过Pavillion,哥哥就带他们去了。可是那儿都不适合我们,结果直接带弟弟去Adidas, Stadium, 和Nike 去找他要的鞋,结果在Pavillion的Nike看中了一双篮球鞋,还把它给买下来了。下午大概四点多,我们又回去MidValley,因为要去MetroJaya 换voucher和买东西,在那儿,我就去找我极度需要的钱包,妈妈带爸爸去看鞋子。爸爸很快就要了那个鞋子,而我就花了一段时间去选我最爱的钱包。然后也看上了一双鞋子,可惜我要那算卦鞋子的颜色没有我要的size了,真可惜,唯有打断了那个主意。 哈哈。回到了酒店,冲凉的冲凉,休息的休息,因为晚上要去爸爸朋友的家。晚上在Puchong吃了一顿不好吃的晚餐后,就去了爸爸朋友的家。 我们在那儿坐了好一段时间,然后又去另外一间家,也只是隔了几间家而已。在那儿,有一班人在那儿,因该是庆祝中秋节吧。 在那儿有说有笑,不知不觉就到了十二点多,和他们道别后就和回酒店去了。

星期日,本来说要和爸爸的朋友去吃早餐的,可是到最后取消了,因为uncle的时间太早了。大家收拾好东西,就下去lobby等哥哥来check out。 Check out 后,我就带家人去吃好吃的云吞面。还以为星期日会没有那么多人,结果我们为了那云吞面,就等了大概一个小时了。等那面到,都已经没什么胃口吃了,可是那好吃的叉烧还真的是很好吃。 吃饱后,我们就去了IKEA。妈妈说要去那儿很多次了,现在总算带妈妈去了。在IKEA虽然有几样东西妈妈看了很喜欢,可是就是因为价钱的问题打断了妈妈的主意,可是还是找到了几样妈妈可以用,然后价钱有不错的东西。弟弟也趁机会找那些适合他做蛋糕的“武器”。 要付钱的时候,每个counter都排长龙,没办法,只好等。然后还在IKEA遇见jcphung 和 wqtiong。 付钱后,辰颖吵着要去买漫画,大哥只好带她去,他还真的不客气的拿,好像免费的。 付钱时,才知道他一口气拿了六十多令吉的漫画,还真的是那个够本 。 把所买的东西放进车后,就和他们去The Curve走走,真的只有走走,因为没东西看的。最后决定去吃东西,uncle就带了我们去KimGary,可是我们都还不饿,所以叫了没几样东西,可是对我来说,我真的不能为这一餐感到满意,因为真的不好吃。以后要 ban 掉 KimGary 了。 然后我驾车回家后,他们就出发回家去了。


Sunday, September 7, 2008



星期五,弟弟说他很久没吃鱼头了,然后爸爸就说去吃。哈哈,不只是弟弟想吃,连我也很想念那个美味可口的鱼头。星期六早上,就跟了家人去吃鱼头,叫了一个 2. 多公斤的鱼头, 然后又有肉骨茶,还有“hang nga hu”(华语名叫什么就忘记了)。那一个鱼头,味道还是那么的香,鱼肉还是那么的爽口。肉骨茶的肉还是那么的好吃,汤也很好喝。那“hang nga hu”也炒得特别香。终之样样都好,吃了就让人很回味。那一个早餐,可让我饱到晚上,还真的不简单。 下午想去Lumut打包我最爱喝的Kopi Peng,却因为下大雨而让我错过了它,唉,真心痛。到了晚上,我们就去了丽都吃晚餐。 我们一家人,哥哥的女朋友,汉祥,Hqtiong,还有姑姑一家人去吃。哈哈,好多人一起吃,真爽。 第一天吃的鱼头,肉骨茶和 Hang Nga Hu

今天早上,我又在去吃鱼头,可是今天跟另外一班人去。我,我哥哥,哥哥的女朋友,汉祥,Hqtiong, Wqtiong, Thomasooi 和主角 Jcphung。为什么他是主角?哈哈,他请客,他当然是主角咯。今天就叫得比较少,只有一个 2. 多公斤的鱼头,和肉骨茶。 今天的这一餐也是吃得津津有味,哈哈。这一餐吃了,也是可以当我的午餐了。连续两天都吃鱼头当早餐,还真的是第一次,真爽。

还有很多东西我没吃呢。 Kg Koh 的 Roti Canai,Kong Piang, Cendol, Lo Bak, Popiah, Ah Hwa 的半生熟蛋, 和其他我还没想到的。
我很想念的 Kopi-O Peng Gao Gao

回到Sitiawan, 就是可以每天除了吃,还是吃。简直是享受极了。如果我有车的话,每个月回一两次我也甘愿。

Saturday, September 6, 2008




